Pèlerins des nuages et de l’eau

Photogrammetry scan of this bronze sculpture named “Pèlerins des nuages et de l’eau”, “Unsui Gunzo” or “Pilgrims of clouds and water” work of the Japanese artist Torao Yazaki. Created in 1971, it is a bronze sculpture representing a group of Buddhist pilgrims, located in the Bois de Vincennes in Paris, France. Based on 715 pictures, 658 millions polygon. The work is a bronze sculpture. It represents a group of seven Zen pilgrims. Unsui, which can be translated as cloud or water, refers to a Zen monk mendicant. The sculpture rests on a rectangular pedestal of the same material, itself resting on a larger pedestal of stone. One side bears the name of the work Unsui Gunzo 雲水群像, calligraphed in Chinese characters by the calligrapher Hiragushi. The front of the base has another plaque, which explains the origin of the work, in French and Japanese.

  • A ñ o Year: 2019

